Sunday, March 27, 2011


  1.  My family
  2. The smell of clothes that have been hung outside
  3. Summertime
  4. Reading
  5. Cross stitching
  6. Crocheting
  7. Going on vacations
  8. Going to the movies
  9. Walking
  10. Cooking
  11. The feeling of having someone else washing my hair
  12. Laundry
  13. My job as a nurse
  14. My job as a mom
  15. Playing darts
  16. Climbing into a freshly made bed
  17. Homework yet I tend to procrastinate at times
  18. Having a girls day
  19. Diet Mountain Dew--too much
  20. Successful attempt at weight loss
  21. The feeling after a good workout
  22. Opening the windows and letting the fresh air circulate through the house
  23. Lazy days which are rare
  24. Seeing my friends happy
  25. Helping others
  26. Bargain shopping of course when it is not extremely busy
  27. Spending the day with my daughter
  28. Curling up on the couch
  29. Pasta
  30. Raking leaves
  31. Snuggling with my boys
  32. People who stand up for them selves
  33. Trying new foods
  34. Meeting new people
  35. Having money
  36. The fact that I am trying to better myself by getting an education to provide for my family
  37. De cluttering
  38. Having rummage sales
  39. Working with money
  40. Any type of filing such as in papers
  41. Having my feet rubbed
  42. Back rubs
  43. Manicures
  44. Dressing up
  45. Noise when I am sleeping
  46. The feeling of crawling into a bed when the sheets are cold
  47. Comfort of flannel sheets
  48. Newborns
  49. The smell of babies
  50. Aroma from blooming lilac bushes
  51. Bananas,could eat several a day
  52. Every time my husband tells me I am beautiful
  53. Be told I am a strong person
  54. Spending time with my sister and her boys that live in Wisconsin
  55. Ice fishing
  56. Tweety Bird
  57. Butterflies
  58. Christmas time
  59. Starbucks cappuccino
  60. Going to music concerts
  61. Surprising the kids
  62. Playing outside with the kids
  63. Reba both music and TV sitcom
  64. Watching The Biggest Loser
  65. The amount of weight I had lost at one time (to only gain it all back)
  66. My accomplishments I have made in life
  67. The person I am
  68. The friends I have
  69. The day I married my best friend
  70. Spending time with my mom
  71. Watching UND win
  72. Watching my husband play catch with the boys
  73. The happiness of two people uniting to become one

  1. Selfish people
  2. Feelings of sadness
  3. Pushy people especially while shopping or standing in lines
  4. Shopping especially when it is really busy
  5. Spending a lot of money on myself for clothes
  6. Driving especially for long distances
  7. Making the first move
  8. Crabby kids
  9. Using a dryer because it takes too long
  10. Being rushed
  11. People who are consistently late
  12. Cleaning the bathroom
  13. When my husband is gone for work
  14. Having the bed to myself
  15. Smoking
  16. Drivers who don't use their blinkers
  17. Telemarketers
  18. Beer
  19. Seafood
  20. When someone takes out the garbage bag and doesn't replace it yet people still put garbage in the can
  21. Sloppy handwriting
  22. Hearing my daughter tell me she is "stupid" and "a failure"
  23. People who expect everyone to bend over backwards for them but are unwilling to help back
  24. Having water run on my face
  25. Bridges especially if they are long
  26. People who stare a other people with disabilities
  27. Bullying
  28. Painting of any type
  29. Moving, one never realizes how much stuff they accumulate
  30. Dead beat dads
  31. The fact that I am a bit of a procrastinator
  32. People who try to blame their mistakes on others
  33. Being broke
  34. When I forget about things such as appointments
  35. Having to multitask
  36. Having to discipline my children
  37. Arguing with my husband
  38. Messy houses
  39. People who make excuses for everything they do whether bad or good
  40. People who do not pick up after themselves and expect everyone else to clean up their messes
  41. Make up that is caked on
  42. Hair dyed blond with dark roots showing
  43. How difficult it is to get health care that is actually worth having
  44. Having a stuffy nose yet it is still running
  45. The ones that abuse the system
  46. Alcoholics
  47. Drinking and driving
  48. When my husband slaps my rear
  49. When my children are hurting
  50. First snowfall of the season
  51. When everything is muddy
  52. Coffee unless I am staying at a motel
  53. Trying to come complete these lists :)
  54. People who are skinny yet complain that they are fat
  55. When larger people dress with clothes that don't fit properly
  56. The smell of wet cigarette butts and ashes
  57. The smell of beer
  58. Wearing tight fitting clothing as I am very self conscious
  59. Credit card debt
  60. All the commercials that are on TV each day
  61. Waitress/es that are lousy
  62. Drivers who go way below the speed limit
  63. TV show The Bachelor--can someone really fall in love in that short of a time frame
  64. Drivers that don't slow down when the roads are not in good shape
  65. Not having time to read or cross stitch
  66. Trying to find babysitters
  67. Stupid texts
  68. How "healthy" food costs more than "junk" food
  69. When the bottom of my feet itch
  70. Dry skin epecially on my face
  71. When I get something in my eye
  72. People who use lol for everything
  73. How much weight I have gained in the last 4 years
  74. Having an itch you can't reach
  75. Losing loved ones
  76. Getting my tonsils taking out
  77. Labor pains
  78. Back aches
  79. Humid weather
  80. Very windy days
  81. Wet dog smell
  82. Getting another year older
  83. Parents who fight/argue in front of their children
  84. Any type of abuse

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